Mike Driver joins CURSHAW as a Senior Independent Advisor.

CURSHAW is delighted to welcome Mike Driver to CURSHAW as a Senior Independent Advisor.

In Mike’s career of over 40 years, he has held senior roles at the Ministry of Justice, Department of Health and Social Care, Department of Work and Pension and HM Treasury. He was also, until recently, the President of the Chartered Institute of Public Finance Accountancy (CIPFA) and a qualified accountant.

Mike’s experience as a former senior civil servant at the top of government as The Head of the Government Finance Function, will help CURSHAW to continue to provide highly valuable strategic commercial consultancy.

We sat down with Mike and spoke with him about his new appointment at CURSHAW and his impressive career We wanted to share with you some of the highlights below.

Why did you join the public sector?

I would love to say that I was driven by altruistic reasons, but I needed a job! I joined at the lowest level, however, and most importantly, once I started in the civil service I started to see the value of public service more widely.

I worked with some brilliant people,  and I was persuaded within the first few weeks that I had the skills and capabilities to further my career so I applied for a  Direct Entry Executive  Scheme and was fortunate to be accepted.

I would say, I look back on my civil service, and public service career with pride because I feel that I have made a difference to the lives of citizens.

What is the biggest difference you feel you have made in your career?

Two things:

  1. When I was in Finance at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) I led work during the financial crash of 2007  to convince the treasury that the department required an enormous injection of finance to help tackle the increased levels of unemployment.

  2. When I became Head of the Government Finance Function, resetting the way finance viewed itself and was viewed across the civil service was important.

Really putting finance at the heart of the decision-making was something I am proud of.

What inspires you?

I have been fortunate to work with fantastic people who have given me opportunities and challenges in an environment that could make you be your best. I've also worked for people that you would never want to work for or with again. I’ve always been inspired to learn from both the good and the bad -  this helped to shape my leadership style.

Describe in 3 words what your leadership style is

Humanistic – it’s important in any system to put people first

Authentic - unless you are authentic, who is going to believe or trust you?

Democratic - I will always make a decision but I will always listen to what people around me think first.

We are looking to attract new graduates to CURSHAW - what is the biggest piece of advice you would give to those that are just starting their careers?

It links to one of the reasons I am so keen to work with CURSHAW - Join an organisation that has a purpose, one that has people you will enjoy working with, and one not only where you can make a difference but also have some fun as well. It isn’t all about work, but about cultures and behaviours. If you are joining for salary alone, then you are most certainly joining the wrong company.

What is something you wish someone had told you during your career journey?

Be honest with yourself and recognise this is your journey - no one is ever perfect.

2 pieces of advice I was given and followed:

  • If one of your team asks to speak to you, then make time no matter how busy you are. 

  • If anyone is looking for a volunteer, always put your hand up as life is more interesting if you try things! It’s always good to push yourself beyond your job and look at other things you can experiment with.

What is your favourite book?

I have started reading Wolf Hall. I am also reading a series of books about Ghengis Khan and I read a mixture of fact and fiction.


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