

An interview with Ruth Todd

Curshaw recently spent time with Ruth Todd, who has recently been appointed as Rolls-Royce SMR’s Operations and Supply Chain Director. The Rolls-Royce Small Modular Reactor (SMR) is a ‘factory built’ nuclear power plant that will draw upon standard nuclear energy technology to generate 470MW of low carbon energy. As the UK’s first home-grown nuclear technology in a generation, it will provide enough consistent baseload electricity to power a million homes for at least 60 years.

We sat with Ruth to discuss the key questions Government should be deliberating as they develop their 10-year infrastructure plan, and begin budget deliberations for phase two and, in particular, two main questions:

1.What should be the prioritised infrastructure-related activities for the new government be?

2.What are the most important components that a new government policy on delivering infrastructure in partnership with the private sector should contain and focus on?

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PFI - Lack of transparency around UK Government cost comparisons

This blogpost chronicles our difficulties in assessing key assumptions made in the NAO’s PFI and PFI 2 report. It highlights the lack of transparency available to sense-check some of the flagship statements that inform the opinions on PFI of both the general public and policy makers.

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Partnering through the commercial lifecycle

Most of us, without much thought, can name at least one contract that has made the headlines for the wrong reasons. Often these are contracts for infrastructure where there is scale and complexity; transport, health, defence, information and communication technology and digital goods and services.

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Behind the headlines: PFI & schools (Part 3)

In the third and last of our series of blogs tackling some of the key questions we have seen in the media around PFI and schools, we are looking at the questions that have been raised about flexibility, maintenance costs and poor quality service.

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Behind the headlines: PFI & schools (Part 2)

In the second of our series of blogs tackling some of the key questions we have seen in the media around PFI and schools, we are looking at accusations that contract providers are failing to deliver the services that are required by schools.

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Behind the headlines: PFI & schools (Part 1)

The recent media coverage of schools and maintenance services provided by private providers shows how the oversimplification of the issues around PFI and PFI contracts continues to lead to misunderstanding. Something that has plagued the industry for a number of years. We thought it would be useful to pick five of the key questions that have come out of these conversations and cut through the jargon to look behind the headlines.

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National Audit Office Auditor General Keynote: A review and recommendations  - Part 3

In our third blog focusing on the ways in which productivity improvements could release much needed funds for government priorities, as outlined by the Comptroller and Auditor General of the UK National Audit Office (NAO), Gareth Davies, in his annual keynote speech to Parliament in January, we tackle procurement and consider if they could be even more ambitious.

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