Our Services
Whether you are a project director looking for a reset, a contracting authority wanting to ensure your contract is fit for purpose or a fund eager to assess portfolio risks and opportunities, we can help.
For funds and public sector bodies.
We can engage at any point in the project lifecycle to drive sustainable service improvements and smooth the way to handback.
Project-specific services
This can include some or all of the following depending on requirements:
Reset Assessment
Risk Assessment
Operational Project Maturity Guided Self-Assessment
Operational Performance Review
Dashboarding and Reporting of key Project data
CAFM audit, contractual process automation and automated reporting via the Curshaw Platform
Payment Mechanism audit
Helpdesk re-mobilisations and FM Process arch review
Commercial strategy
Expiry Project Maturity Guided Self-Assessment
Expiry Preparedness Review
Joint expiry planning
Expiry and Handback Support
Post-PFI planning
Strategic and business consultancy services
For funds and service providers
Risks and opportunities
Review of your portfolio of Projects to assess risk and identify and resolve common areas of concern, as well as identify and crystallise efficiency opportunities.
MSP support and operational guidance
Business process improvement
Communications Advisory
Services for providers to help them communicate effectively with the public sector
For fund managers, providers, or public sector bodies.
A. Preparing for and undertaking a Reset
B. Setting yourself up for success on expiry and handback
C. Handback delivery
D. Designing, procuring and mobilising your post PFI Target Operating Model
Whether you are a project director looking for a reset, a contracting authority wanting to ensure your contract is fit for purpose or a fund eager to assess portfolio risks and opportunities, we can help.
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