We simplify your PFI Expiry

We are PFI expiry experts who use technology and purpose-built, proven processes to deliver efficient, effective and equitable handback.


PFI contracts are expiring. In the UK alone, there are currently 700 PFI projects There are currently 700 PFI projects with a capital value of £57Bn and total lifetime repayments of an estimated £290Bn.

In this decade, the UK public sector will need to manage the first 147 of expiries, with a combined contract life value of over £50bn. 

These are more than just complex commercial contracts. Every iteration of PFI across the globe will involve the private sector handing back to the public sector critical operational infrastructure such as hospitals, schools, roads and prisons. 

In addition to the complex task of commercially and operationally exiting their expiring PFI contract, each Contracting Authority will also have to define, procure and stand-up a robust, sustainable and value-for-money replacement operating solution, before then transitioning seamlessly between the two. Each of these tasks is substantial. 

We are experts in managing this process.


We help our clients REVIEW, PREPARE for and DELIVER the expiry process. Based on our experience of successfully managing the largest PFI expiry.

  • We support PFI stakeholders by bringing together expert practitioners and a multidisciplinary team with significant industry and public sector expertise, enabling relevant insights and collaboration between providers and contracting authorities.

  • Independent approach with no vested interests and a passion for delivering an efficient, effective and equitable approach to handback and expiry.

  • Technology enabled and proven processes based on the practical experience of successfully delivering all aspects of large scale PFI expiry and complex contract reviews.


We work with both government contracting authorities and PFI providers because we know that collaboration between the two is essential. No matter who we advise, our aim is to do the right thing for service users by delivering an efficient, effective and equitable (“E3”) handback.

We help PFI providers who have to deliver contract expiries and handback an asset.

We help the government Contracting Authorities who are responsible for managing a PFI contract through to expiry and taking back assets like hospitals, roads, prisons and schools.

We help Government departments who are responsible for assuring expiry and handback process; or those who are responsible for governing, but not delivering, expiry.

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Find out more about our expert practitioners, proven processes and software-enabled, and collaborative approach.